
News and Blogs

Community information and members blog

What’s Happening at Da Vinci Hub

Caroline from BayTalk (right) and Naomi from Da Vinci Hub (left) got together to discuss the changes happening at the centre. Have a listen to hear what these changes are. https://youtu.be/RHTOrZvZJr0

Delayed Gratification

Delayed Gratification

Delayed Gratification I think a lot of parents can relate to the internal battle of “do I let my child quit the activity they have decided they don’t want to do anymore?” Are the arguments and the pressure on the relationship between parent and child really worth it?...

Vitamins – Know your limits.

Vitamins – Know your limits.

Its worth taking a look at what’s in your vitamin supplements and knowing what amount our bodies can actually absorb...Is the determining factor, such as a higher level of a particular vitamin, actually a good reason to purchase one brand over another? I have had a...